All knowledge of mankind about nuclear moments, is tabulated in this online database (the same data in a more dynamic presentation are here). Feel free to browse through it. You may, for instance, try to find in the database the nuclear quadrupole moment and the magnetic dipole moment of the 245 keV level in 111Cd.
Optional: you can read a blog text about this database, or you can read a scientific paper about it.
If you meet any problem to search in this database, then please report it in the forum underneath. Your colleagues might help you out. Remaining issues will be discussed in the feedback webinar on this chapter.
Started by: ajsheffler
Started by: Himanshu
Started by: krasmus
Started by: Daniel
Started by: CJ11
Started by: Cmrossi
Started by: Louis De Smedt
Started by: Jakob Vermeulen
Started by: Niels Houben
Started by: bolandthomas
Started by: NTKH5591e
Started by: DriesHendrikx
Started by: Crimsonfirebird
Started by: Daan Nauwelaerts
Started by: Robbe Van Duyse
Expected time: 10 minutes (report)