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  • #5264
    Bram Hendrickx

    To find the answers to all the questions, one only needs to use the formula µ = (g µN I) / hbar.
    For question 1, the g factor can be calculated by inserting µ = -0,5940 as found in the table for Cd111 aswell as the nuclear magneton µN = 5,050E(-27) and spin I = 1/2. Just rearange the formula too
    g = (hbar µ) / (µN I) and fill in the data.
    for question 2 the same can be done this time using the fact that an electron has spin S = 1/2 and magnetic moment 1 aswell as the same value for the nuclear magneton.
    Question 3 can be calculated by using the formula as it was given solving for µ.

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